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Presentation Tool Box Add-In is the perfect companion for any teacher, trainer or speaker who wants to quickly and easily add engaging and FUN slides into their PowerPoint presentation. Note: video best viewed in
fullscreen. The Presentation Tool Box is easy to use and always right there for you when you open PowerPoint. Choose from 270 professionally created slides which can be inserted at the touch of a button into any spot in your program presentation. Slides and tools include 40 Ice Breakers, 17 Team Builders, 20 Energizers, 20 Metaphor Slides, 20 Motivational Slides, 18 Multiple Choice Question Slides, 4 Buzzer Question Slides, 20 Humorous Slides, 39 Attention Grabbers, 4 Scoreboards, 9 Mini Games, 2 Action Games, 20 Awards and Certificates, 8 Random Selectors, 7 Spinner Slides, 3 Timer Slides, 8 Specialty Slides, 5 Dashboard Slides and the following tools, Custom Timers, Slide Numbers, Progress Bars, Menu or Table of Contents and Slide Navigation. All Tool Box slides are specially developed to blend and adapt to any PowerPoint design template you are using.
Take a look!
Download This Free Boat Race Training Game from Training Games!
Enter your own training questions. Teams race across the lake to win! A 30 question game. Great training game or team builder. Built in PowerPoint, so you can develop multiple games from this one